Unfortunately, it was this last piece that led to a broken camera. To make sure the photospheres had a minimal footprint to cover up we didn't extend the tripod's legs all the way. This worked extremely well with the cameras that were inside away from the wind. However, the wind blew over the camera that was capturing and we lost footage. This could have been detrimental and really set us back, but the other teams of students worked extremely efficiently. Since we planned out the shooting locations of the images, the other teams were ahead of schedule. This allowed us to go back and get the footage needed to complete our tour.
The students did a remarkable job. Everyone, including the park rangers and chaperones, were thrilled with how the students worked. Now we have the footage that we need to make the virtual reality tour. When we returned to the classroom, we spent our time finishing the artifact analysis scripts, sent the writing to be reviewed by rangers Tessa and Bob, and began to create the building tours using .
Now, for a little relaxation during spring break...